মাধ্যমিক ইংলিশ সাজেশন ২০২৩ | Madhyamik 2023 English Suggestion (Last Minutes)


1.Father’s Help


Part -1

1) Swami thought a moment ago it was- (a) Sunday  (b) Friday  (c) Saturday  (d) Tuesday

2) The headmaster is afraid of- (a) Samuel  (b) Swami’s father  (c) Students  (d) Math

3) Father advised Swami to loaf about less on- (a) Sunday  (b) Friday  (c) Saturday  (d) Tuesday

4) Swami knew his father could be- (a) Normal  (b) Intimidated  (c) Genial  (d) Strict

5) Swami ought to have been in the school prayer hall at- (a) 9.30 am  (b) 9.30 pm  (c) 8.30 am (d) 8.30 pm


Marks: 02


1) Swami was reluctant to go to school.

2) Swami could not be late to the headmaster’s room.

3) Samuel is afraid of the headmaster.

4) Swami must be in school at 9:00 am.

5) Swami said he was suffering from headache.



Marks: 2

  •  “And the former called the latter!”- Who are referred to here as ‘the former and the latter’?
  • Who is called ‘little prig’ and why?
  • How does the mountain make fun with the squirrel?
  • What according to the squirrel must be taken in together?
  • What is not a disgrace to the squirrel?
  • What does the squirrel not deny?


Part- 2

Marks: 1


1) The letter was sent to- (a) Samuel (b) Swami’s father (c) Peon (d) Headmaster

2) Personally Swami was a- (a) Good man (b) Tall man (c) Handsome man (d) Bad man

3) Samual had a- (a) Dark face (b) Fair face (c) Dull face (d) White face

4) The colour of Samuel’s coat was- (a) black (b) white (c) brown (d) yellow

5) Swami had special-(a) Hatred (b) To Swami love (c) Affection (d) Regard

  1. The Passing Away of Bapu


Marks: 1


1) The narrotor was having—

a) tea

b) cold

c) coffe

d) rice


2)people could not spealk in the beginning as they were—

 a) weak

b) stunned

c) worried

d) stunned


3) The word ” clamoured” means—

a) glammer

b) calmed

c) demanded loudly

d) loudly


4) The experience of walking in Gandhiji’s funeral procession was

a) agonising

c) worrying

b) Satisfying

d) Exciting


5) Thousands silently watched the

a) procession

b) Crowd

c) The Frock

d) Bapu’s body


Marks: 2


  • “There was an unnatural silence. It was as if time stood still for those minutes”- Why did the speaker think so?
  • What was the instant reaction of the common people after Gandhiji’s death?
  • When was Gandhiji shot?
  • How did the narrator get into the car?
  • Gandhiji had been shot on his_______________.
  • How did the train reach Allahabad?
  • How Bapu would live?
  • Why did not people weep anymore?
  • The time stood______________________.
  • Why and how did people Jostle?
  • The people Jostled one another ________________.
  • How the compartment was decorated?
  • Why did the people look like lost children?
  • What announcement calm people?
  • What did Padmasi suggest and why?





1)  The narrator’s values were so strong.

2) Excited people gathered the platform.

3)It was not possible to move in thick crowd.

4) it was an excitable walk.

5) Flowers decorated the compartment.

6) Back in Delhi the narrator felt at river.




  1. The cat


1.Most people think that the cat is —

(A) wise

(B) clever

C) unintelligent

(D) intelligent


2.The cat cares little for anything but mice and-

(A) soup

(B) juice

(C) water

(D) milk


3.One can see the cat as he really is in the-

(A) morning

(B) afternoon

(C) night

(D) evening


4.Sometimes the cat watches-

(A) the squirrel – hole

(B) the mouse – hole

(C) the snake – hole

(D) the hole in the wall


5.In the story the cat is compared with a –

(A) rat

(B) human being

(C) the author

(D) dog


6 . A cat is not a / an

(A) fighter

(B) swimmer

(C) athlete

(D) acrobat

Mark : 2

Answer the following questions : T or F


  • The cat is not fond of ease .
  • The cat has no athletic skills
  • The cat takes things very easily
  • Just like human beings they have their pastimes to avoid boredom .
  • Both in the day and night a cat remains the same .



How is a guest normally treated at the table by the family ?

What do most people think about the cat ?

  • What happens to a cat at the fall of the evening ?
  •  What do people think of the cat ?
  • When does the cat make an appearance to get his share of food ?
  • How does a cat try to get food from a guest ?
  • With whom is the movement of the cat in the evening compared ?





  1. Fable


Marks: 1


1)“All________ things and weather… together” –

(a) kind of (b) sorts of (c) sort of (d.) kinds of


2) What is wisely put–

(a)talents (b)money  (c)forest  (d)nut


3) It is not disgrace to the squirrel to–

(a)occupy his own place  (b)make preety track  (c)to be called as bun  (d)be insulted by the mountain


4) the word “disgrace” means–

(a)honour (b)irratate (c)cheerful (d)insult


5) A squirrel track is made by—

(a)Nature  (b)Mountain  (c)Squirrel itself  (d)supervisions


Marks: 2 



1) The mountain called the squirrel “Little Bun”.

2) The squirrel can crack a nut.

3) The squirrel is sprier than the mountain.

4) The mountain can carry Forests on its back.

5) The mountain can carry Forests on its back.

Marks: 2


“And I think it no disgrace”- Why does the squirrel feel no disgrace?

Why is the mountain not half so spry?

Mention two qualities of the mountain?

what does the squireel think about size of mountain?

Who is Bun there?

Who was addressed as ” Little Prig”? or, What did the mountain call the squirrel?

who had a qurrel with whom? or, Between whom did the quarrel take place?

“And not half so spry” — Who is not half so spry?

Talents differ, all is well and wisely put”- Explain the line.

What is a Fable?

What moral is suitable for the poem ‘Fable’?




  1. My Own True Family


Marks: 1

1) The poet crept in a–

a) wood

b)oak wood

c) segun wood

d) None of the above


2) As the woman began to cakle the poet began to—

a) snif

b) snore

c) shout

d) quake


3) She was dressed in—

a) white sari

b) dirty dress

c)evening dress

d) ragged clothes


4)  From thew oak-wood to poet want back to—

a) human world

b) animated world

c) animal world

d) comapny of ild creature


5) The poet’s heart was transformed info—

a) a hero

b) a serious

c) a tree

d) a deer


6) He was tied to a —

a) stake

b) stock

c) stick

d) timber


7) The poet was alterd by —

a) his conscience

b) dream beneath the tree

c) self learning

d) education


8) The world knobbly means—

a) unclear

b) very weak

c) knock

d) unsteady




Marks: 2

  • The poet was tied to an oak-tree.
  • If the poet fails to keep his promise them the oak-tree will kill him.
  • The old woman was standing steadily.
  • The poet walked like a tree.

Marks: 2

  • Describe the appearance of the old lady in the oakwood.
  • What made the poet feel nervous?
  • When was the poet altered?
  • What is the meaning of the expression “you were born but never grew”?
  • What was the old woman?
  • What did the Poet have to promise?
  • Where did the poet go?
  • What would happen if he fails to keep his promise?
  • What did the poet feel when he came out oak wood?
  • Why did the old woman begin to cackle?
  • What did the poet mean by “I came twice awake”?
  • How was the poet blamed by the Tribe?  


  1. Sea Fever

1.The poet asks for a sail the colour of which would be-  

(A) blue

(B) black

(C) grey

(D) white


2.While going down to the sea , the poet wants to hear the crying of –

(A) seagulls

(B) cuckoos

(C) eagles

(D) swallows


3.The wind on the sea is like a whetted–

(A) sword

(B) axe

(C) knife

(D) spear


4.In the poem the sea is described as

(A) wild

(B) calm

(C) lonely

(D) lively


5.The poet must go down to the –

(A) hills

(B) rivers

(C) sea

(D) plains


Answer the following questions : T or F  

Mark :2

  • The poet is going out to the sea for the first time
  • To steer the ship the poet needs the moon
  • The call of the running tide is wild and
  • The poet must go down to the lonely sea
  • The poet listens to the wind’s kick .
  • The poet wants to see a grey dawn breaking .

Mark : 2    

  • During what time of the day does the poet wish to go down to the seas ?
  • ” What kind of day does the poet prefer for sailing ?
  • Where must the poet go down to ?
  • How does the poet want his ship to be ?
  • What does the poet want to see on the sea’s face ?
  • Why may the call of the running tide not be denied ?



  1. The Sailn


1.With the slightest touch , the snail shrinks into its house with —

(A) displeasure

(B) pleasure

(C) pain

(D) surprise


2.In its house , the snail lives with —  

(A) parents

(B) relatives

(C) friends

(D) no one


3.The snail lives his life like a 

(A) traveller

(B) king

(C) vagabond

(D) hermit


4.The snail sticks to  

(A) grass [ ঘাটস ]

(B) leaf [ পাতায় ]

(C) wall [ দেয়ালে ]

(D) all of the above


5.The snail hides  —  

(A) secure

(B) insecure

(C) careless

(D) frightened


6.When there is imminent danger , the snail hides–  

(A) outside the house

(B) beside the house

(C) within the house

(D) far from the house


Answer the following questions : T or F

  • The snail fears to fall from the wall .
  • The snail comes out of his house during a storm .
  • The snail and his house are inseparable .
  • The snail hides in the house .
  • The creature is happy with his own belongings .

Mark – 2

  • What does the snail usually stick itself to and how ?
  • Are there any other harm for the snail besides that of the weather ?
  • When does the snail hide in the house ?
  • What does the snail do with the slightest touch on its harns ?
  • How does the snail feel to be his own whole treasure ?.


                    Writing Skill

Story Writing

The Soldier in Desolate Island

The Shepherd and The Wolf

A Foolish Dog was crossing a bridge over a stream……


Madhyamik English Paragraph Writing Suggestion


  1. Usefulness of Morning Walk / Early Rising
  2. A Film You Have Recently Watch


4.Write a paragraph (within 100 word) on ‘The Most Memorable Day in Your Life’, based on the following points:         10 

Date/Day — a description of the day — your role on that day — why is the day memorable to youn?

5.. Mobiles Advantages and Disadvantages

6.Habit of Reading Books. 

7.Your Favourite Teachers

8.A Book You Have Recently Read


Report writing :

1. Write a newspaper report (within 100 words) on the outbreak of fire in your local market. You may use the following points :

[Date and time — place — cause of fire — damages — actions taken].

2.Your school is going to host an inter-school drama competition. Suppose you are the Cultural Secretary of your school. Write a notice (within 100 words) calling students to participate in the competition. Mention the time, date and venue of the competition. Your notice should be countersigned by the Headmistress / Headmaster of your school.

3.Write a report on a campaign on ‘Educate the Girl Child’ organized by your school. Mention the role of both students and teachers, purpose of this campaign, participation, response and so on. The report will be published in your school magazine.   (Write limit : 150 words)                            

4.Write a newspaper report (within 100 words) about an accident that took place yesterday. Write the report on the basis of the points given below:  



Madhyamik Letters writings Suggestion


1.Write a letter (within 100 words) to the editor of an English daily stating reasons why plastic carry bags should be banned. 

2.Write a letter (within 100 words) to your friend describing a cultural programme you have recently attended. Your letter should include the following points.

3.Write a letter to the Inspector- in- Charge of your local police station complaining about the loss of your mobile phone. Give the details of the phone and the way in which it was lost.

4.Write a letter to your cousin who stays abroad describing a family get -together recently held in your house. You may use the following points.

5.Write a letter to the editor of an English newspaper creating awareness on sanitization of your locality in the course outbreak of Corona Virus in India, how it can prevent the spread of transmission of novel corona virus in larger communities.

6.Write a letter to the headmaster / headmistress of your school requesting him /  her to make more variety of books available in the library. (Write limit : 150 words)