WBPSC Clerkship English Practice Set 3 | পিএসসি ক্লার্কশিপ ইংরেজি প্র্যাকটিস সেট 3 (PDF সহ)

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নমস্কার বন্ধুগণ আপনাদের অনুরোধে আজ আমরা নিয়ে এসেছি WBPSC Clerkship Full Practice Set । অভিজ্ঞ শিক্ষক শিক্ষিকা দ্বারা প্রস্তুত এই WBPSC Clerkship English Practice Set গুলি আপনাদের সাহায্য করবে WBPSC Clerkship Exam এর সঠিক প্রস্তুতি ও মূল্যায়ন করতে। আশা করি আমাদের WBPSC Clerkship English Practice Set 3 আপনার Preparation এর নির্ভর যোগ্য সঙ্গী হয়ে উঠবে।

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WBPSC Clerkship English Practice Set 3

  1. They play billards.

(A) Billiards is played by them.

(B) Billards are played by them.

(C) Both are correct.

(D) Both are wrong.

  1. What makes you angry?

(A) By whom are angry?

(B) By what are you made angry?

(C) Both are correct.

(D) Both are wrong.

  1. The accident happened on 28th June, 2018.

(A) bring out

(B) bring about

(C) bring down

(D) none of these.

  1. Out college magazine UMANG was published in July, 2018.

(A) bring out

(B) bring about

(C) bring in

(D) none of these

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb from the options given below:

By the time we reached home the rain _____.

(A) has stopped

(B) had been stopped

(C) had stopped

(D) was stopping

  1. Complete the idiom by choosing the right word from the options given below:

She could not make up her _____ about what to buy.

(A) decision

(B) logic

(C) mind

(D) heart

  1. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word from the list below:

Neither Lata nor Sujata _____ present in class on 14th October.

(A) were

(B) are

(C) was

(D) have been

  1. Replace the missing word with the right word from the options below:

All _____ Alok were present during the meeting.

(A) except

(B) expect

(C) exceed

(D) accept

  1. Whom at you teaching?

(A) Who is being taught by you?

(B) Whom are being taught by you?

(C) Both are correct.

(D) Both are wrong.

  1. People consider that he is hones.

(A) It is considered that he is honest.

(B) They say that he is honest.

(C) Both are correct.

(D) Both are wrong.

  1. Somebody has picked my pocket?

(A) Somebody has been picked by my pocket.

(B) My pocket has been picked.

(C) Both are correct.

(D) Both are wrong.

  1. I know him.

(A) He is known by me.

(B) He is known to me.

(C) He is known of me.

(D) None of these.

  1. What are you writing?

(A) What is being written by you?

(B) Who is being written by you?

(C) Whom is being written by you?

(D) None of these.

  1. Nobody can change destiny.

(A) Destiny cannot be changed.

(B) Destiny can be changed by nobody.

(C) Both are correct.

(D) Both are wrong.

  1. We hope that he will pass.

(A) It is hoped that he will pass.

(B) It is hoped that he will be passed.

(C) Both are correct.

(D) Both are wrong.

  1. Which girl helped you?

(A) By whom were you helped?

(B) By which girl were you helped?

(C) Both are correct.

(D) Both are wrong.

  1. The boy was reared by his step-mother.

(A) bring up

(B) bring in

(C) bring down

(D) none of these

  1. I visited the house of my boss.

(A) call on

(B) call in

(C) call at

(D) none of these

  1. Choose the correct spelling from the options below:

(A) Ambitious

(B) Ambitous

(C) Ambicious

(D) Ambiteous

  1. Replace the missing word with the right word from the options below:

A list of _____ candidates for the admission test has been put up on the notice-board.

(A) illegible

(B) honourable

(C) eligible

(D) ideal

  1. Fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition from the list below:

Rita’s mother did not approve _____ her returning home so late at night.

(A) for

(B) on

(C) to

(D) of

  1. Choose the correct spelling from the options below:

(A) Exaggerate

(B) Exagarate

(C) Exaggarate

(D) Exagerate

  1. Please call a doctor immediately.

(A) call in

(B) call by

(C) call for

(D) none of these

  1. The workers suspended their strike.

(A) call of

(B) call off

(C) call out

(D) none of these

  1. Young people are required for building of our country,

(A) call in

(B) call on

(C) call for

(D) none of these

  1. The President visited the Prime minister.

(A) call on

(B) call by

(C) call in

(D) none of these

  1. Find from below, the word that means ‘a boy who frightens weaker boys’.

(A) Tramp

(B) Bully

(C) Hypocrite

(D) Tresspasser

  1. Choose the correct spelling from the options below:

(A) Satellite

(B) Satalite

(C) Satallite

(D) Satelite

  1. Find from below the word that means ‘Essential’:

(A) Unimportant

(B) Irrelevant

(C) Essence

(D) Vital

  1. Complete the idiom by choosing the right word from the options given below:

The old lady was murdered in cold ____.

(A) ice

(B) water

(C) blood

(D) milk

WBPSC Clerkship English Practice Set 3 | WBPSC Clerkship English Practice Set 3 Pdf | PSC Clerkship English Practice Set 3 Pdf Download | Clerkship Exam 2023 Questions and Answers Set 3 | পিএসসি ক্লার্কশিপ প্র্যাকটিস সেট 3 | পিএসসি ক্লার্কশিপ পরীক্ষার ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন এবং উত্তর সেট 3 | পিএসসি ক্লার্কশিপ ইংরেজি প্র্যাকটিস সেট 3 PDF ডাউনলোড

পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার কর্তৃক প্রকাশিত সমস্ত চাকরীর আপডেট পাওয়ায় জন্য নিম্নে দেওয়া লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন:

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